Description: Aeonium aureum is a variable species and can be found growing naturally on five separate islands within the Canary Island archipelago. Plants can be extremely variable in colour depending on the form and location found and can range from dark green to a glaucous blue, with some even blushing shades of pink and purple during the summer months. Again depending on the form, this species will either remain as a single solitary rosette or produce a very small amount of offsets.
During the summer dormancy, the rosettes close forming the shape and appearance of a opening rose bud.
This is a form from Tenerife and will either remained a single head or produce only a very small number of offsets. There will be no guarantee that the plant you receive will offset. The main colour of this form is shades of green with occasional slight blue tones. Colours can often be seasonal and subject to how and where the plants are grown. This form also often develops dark tannic stipes which you can see in some of the photos below.
*This is a very different plant to what is commonly sold here in Australia as Aeonium aureum.
Plant Care: Plants are tough and best grown in a small decorative pot with good drainage. Like all Aeoniums, plants are summer dormant and actively grow from Autumn though to Spring. Avoid exposure to the hot afternoon summer sun or plants may burn.
Origins & Distribution: Canary Islands (Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, La Palma, Hierro) This is a form from Tenerife.
Comments: Formally classified under the genus Greenovia as Greenovia aurea.
Plants can often look very similar to Aeonium diplocyclum. Minor differences include: A. aureum will most often form a small amount of offsets, is usually greener, has more pointed and or square shaped leaves and often has a very thin glassy white leaf margin. A. diplocyclum does not offset, is usually more of a blue color and has a more distinctly rounded leaf. During dormancy A. aureum will also generally form a cup shaped rosettes which look like an opening green rose bud, where as A. diplocyclum tends to want to completely close forming an egg shape.
Please read carefully before purchasing:
- Plants for sale are displayed in 70mm pots. You will receive the same or similar plant as in this photo. Please use this as a guide to the size of the plants available for purchase.
- Please refer to the postage and handling guide for information on how orders are posted, weekly cut off times and postage costs.